Winter Springs, FL

"For the perfecting of the saints,
for the work of the ministry,
for the edifying of the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:12

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Grace Bible Church

{A Place To Call Home}

Thank you for visiting our website! I am Pastor Thomas Sandiford and this is my wife Melanie. We would like to welcome you to Grace Bible Church: A Place To Call Home! We are located in Winter Springs, Florida and are happy to be serving God in & ministering to this community. There are 4 things about GBC that we want you to know:
H - Honoring Christ: Our main priority is having Christ as our center.
O - One Body: As a church, we are individual members - working together, we are a body of believers.
M - Meaningful Fellowship: We strive to make everyone feel welcome & at home.
E Encouraging Growth: The Gift of Salvation & spiritual maturity are part of growing in grace.
To learn about Grace Bible Church's beliefs, please see our Statement of Faith!
For any questions or inquires, we encourage you to Connect With Us!
On behalf of everyone at GBC, we are looking forward to seeing you soon!
       Pastor Tom